5DsR_B08390 |
5DsR_B08393 | Calystegia soldanella
Bristletail | Nesomachilis sp
_48A4912E | Male Matachia sp
Latrodectus katipo | Black Katipo
Latrodectus katipo | Black Katipo
5DsR_B017237 | Female Leucauge dromedaria
5DsR_B00814 | Pseudocalliprason marginatum
5DsR_B00822 | Pseudocalliprason marginatum
5DsR_B00824 | Yellow Flatworm
5DsR_B00292 | Caterpillar
5DsR_B00298 | Cryptaranea sp
Forsteropsalis sp - with prey
_MG_0471E | Forsteropsalis sp - with prey
_21A1625 | Cryptaranea sp
_21A0360 | Female backobourkia brounii - with katydid prey
_21A0346 | Female backobourkia brounii- with katydid prey
_21A03492E | Female backobourkia brounii - with katydid prey
_21A9836 | Hebe Caterpillar
_21A9050E | Cycloctenus sp
_21A8011E2 | Onchidella nigricans
_21A7967E | Macarostola miniella
Macarostola miniella, Gracillariidae
_21A7965E | Macarostola miniella
_21A7965E2 | Macarostola miniella
_21A7627E | Caterpillar
_21A6604E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper) Nymph
_21A3881E | Cyclosa trilobata
_21A6428E2 | Trite auricoma
_41I0084E | Orthodera novaezealandiae
_21A0800E | Female Trite
_21A0390 | Mokoia Island with fog
_21A4730E | Dictynidae
_21A9136 | Sylvicola dubius
_21A9136 | Sylvicola dubius
_MG_7317E | _MG_7317E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_41I9937E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_41I9935E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_41I9823E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_41I9813E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_41I9810E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
_MG_6916E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper)
_MG_6534E | Male Courtaraneus orientalis
_MG_6528E | Male Courtaraneus orientalis
IMG_8336E | Athoracophorus sp
IMG_9326E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri
IMG_9326E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri
Hexathele hochstetteri | Banded tunnel web spider
Juvenile Female Poecilopachys australasia
IMG_9119E | stripped flatworm
IMG_9116E | Male Hemideina thoracica
Hemideina thoracica | Auckland Tree Weta
IMG_9116E | Male Hemideina thoracica
IMG_8600E-Edit | Earina mucronata
IMG_8335E (1) | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
Anoteropsis hilaris, Lycosidae - with eggsac
IMG_8217E | Anoteropsis hilaris - with eggsac
IMG_7327E | Leiopelma archeyi | Archery frog
IMG_6974E | Alseuosmia sp
Alseuosmia sp
IMG_6858E | Aucklandella conspirata
IMG_6837E | Athoracophorus sp
IMG_5784E | Green & Golden bell frog | Ranoidea aurea
IMG_5784E | Green & Golden bell frog | Ranoidea aurea
IMG_5781EE | Green & Golden bell frog | Ranoidea aurea
IMG_5715E | Ranoidea aurea | Green & Golden bell frog
IMG_5218EE | Female Opisthoncus polyphemus
IMG_5218EE | Female Opisthoncus polyphemus
Opisthoncus polyphemus, Salticidae | Cyclops Jumping Spider
IMG_5136E | Schizoglossa novoseelandica
IMG_5131E | Schizoglossa novoseelandica
IMG_5024E | Aphids
IMG_4978E | Porcellio scaber
_MG_2898E | _MG_2898E | Owharoa Falls
_MG_2898E | _MG_2898E | Owharoa Falls
Owharoa Falls
IMG_1543E | Cyclosa trilobata
IMG_1293 | Porcellio scaber - Feeding
IMG_1141E | Caenoplana coerulea - Feeding on Woodlice
IMG_0322E | Siphanta acuta (Torpedo Bug)
IMG_0504E | Male Cambridgea plagiata
Insect fungi (Beauveria bassiana) on a native New Zealand Pray Mantis
IMG_9488-2E | Zealaranea crassa
IMG_9445E-2 | Female Tetragnatha sp
IMG_9264E - canopy | Forest Gecko | Mokopirirakau granulatus
IMG_9020-EditE | Caterpillar
IMG_8464E-Edit | Female Anoteropsis litoralis
Female Eutittha stratiotica
Female Eutittha stratiotica
IMG_8083E | Australopacifica sp, Geoplanidae
IMG_8017E | Caterpillar
IMG_7750E | Geophilomorpha sp
IMG_7749E | Geophilomorpha sp
IMG_7637E | Female Clubiona convoluta
IMG_7275E | Male Hexathele hochstetteri
IMG_7269E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri
Velvet worm portrait
IMG_7228EE | Peripatoides sp
Entoloma hochstetteri | Blue Pinkgill
IMG_7098E. | Entoloma hochstetteri
IMG_7024E | Juvenile Trite planiceps - with prey
IMG_6889E | Cerdistus sp
IMG_6889E | Cerdistus sp
IMG_6887E | Cerdistus sp
IMG_6887E | Cerdistus sp
IMG_6155EE | Green & Golden bell frog | Litoria aurea
IMG_6124E | Caedicia simplex
IMG_5647E | Peripatoides sp
IMG_5270E | Argiope protensa
IMG_5263E | Argiope protensa
IMG_5201E | Gymnobathra hyetodes
IMG_5094E | Rhadinosomus acuminatus
IMG_4842EE | Thambotricha Vates
IMG_4725EE | Peripatoides sp
IMG_4709E | Cryptaranea sp
IMG_3919E | Beauveria bassiana - infected Hypodrassodes sp
IMG_3800E | Tingena clarkei
Female Taraire rufolineata - with cranefly as prey
IMG_3298E | Desis marina - with prey
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑎
IMG_3302E | Desis marina - with prey
IMG_3286E | Desis marina - with prey
IMG_2856E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper) Nymph
IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating
IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating
IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating
IMG_2725E | Anabarhynchus cf. rufobasalis
IMG_1741E | Female Helpis minitabunda
IMG_1517E | Peripatoides sp
IMG_1516E | Peripatoides sp
IMG_1428E | Ploiaria antipodum
IMG_1400E | Female Taraire rufolineata
IMG_1080E | Male Tetragnatha sp
IMG_0911E | Male Rhapsa scotosialis
IMG_0875E | Female Helpis minitabunda
IMG_0514E | Xanthocnemis zealandica
IMG_0421E | Dictynidae
IMG_0358E | Dictynidae
IMG_0332E | Stathmopoda skelloni
IMG_0329E | Dictynidae
IMG_0293E | Female Cambridgea foliata
IMG_0159E |
IMG_0159E |
IMG_0080E | Caterpillar
IMG_0074E | Male Colaranea melanoviridis
IMG_9669E | Trite auricoma
IMG_8952E | Ploiaria antipodum
IMG_8948E | Ploiaria antipodum
IMG_6455E | Aphids
IMG_8358E | Plant Hopper nymph
IMG_6965E-Edit | Female Cambridgea quadromaculata
IMG_6964E | Female Cambridgea quadromaculata
IMG_4004E | Female Sidymella angularis - with prey
IMG_3923E | Caterpillar
IMG_2942E | Pygophora apicalis
IMG_2814E | Pesiphila lunata
IMG_2813E | Pesiphila lunata Caterpillar
Hebe Caterpillar | Pesiphila lunata
IMG_2810E | Cornu aspersum | Garden Snail
IMG_2805E | Cryptaranea sp
IMG_2685E | Dictynidae
IMG_2616E | Ornebius aperta
IMG_2607E | Porcellio scaber
IMG_2603$ | Male Clubiona pecularis
Bird nest fungi | Crucibulum laeve
IMG_0094E | Porcellio scaber
IMG_9582E | Cave weta
IMG_7373E | Xylotoles sp
IMG_7348E | Cycloctenus sp
Canon-1955 | Sorernsenella sp
Canon-1927 | Arion hortensis mating
IMG_0436E | Female Amaurobioides sp
IMG_0074E | Caedicia simplex
IMG_0062E | Caedicia simplex
IMG_9870E | Thambotricha Vates
IMG_9408E | Epiphryne verriculata, Geometridae
IMG_8988E | Opodiphthera eucalypti
(Gum Emperor Caterpillar)
IMG_8984E | Opodiphthera eucalypti Caterpillar
IMG_8975E2 | Opodiphthera eucalypti Caterpillar
Opodiphthera eucalypti
(Gum Emperor Caterpillar)
IMG_8967E | Opodiphthera eucalypti Caterpillar
IMG_0197E | Spinotectarchus acornutus
IMG_8933E | Tatosoma sp
IMG_8930E | Cycloctenus sp
IMG_8879E | IMG_8879E | Digitalis purpurea
IMG_8879E | Digitalis purpurea
IMG_7496E | Eocenchrea maorica
IMG_7482E | Caterpillar
IMG_7478E | Caterpillar
IMG_7465E | Plant Hopper
IMG_7361E | Male Dolomedes dondalei
IMG_6402E | Tylos neozelanicus
IMG_6383E-NR | Tylos neozelanicus
Tylos neozelanicus | New Zealand Calloused Beach Pillbug
IMG_6383E | Tylos neozelanicus
IMG_6048E | Neactina opposita
IMG_6048E | Neactina opposita
IMG_5184E | Anoteropsis hilaris - with eggsac
IMG_5060E | Rhabdothamnus solandri
IMG_3971E | Caterpillar
IMG_3797E | Plant Hopper
IMG_0119E | Caterpillar
Xanthocnemis zealandica, Coenagrionidae
IMG_9847E | Hebe Caterpillar
IMG_9826E | Dictynidae
IMG_9311E | Caterpillar
IMG_9277E | Feredayia graminosa Caterpillar
IMG_7455E | Eurasian blackbird | Manu pango
IMG_7424E | Eurasian blackbird | Manu pango
IMG_6801E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata
Orthoprosopa bilineata
Orthoprosopa bilineata (Striped Flower Fly)
IMG_6789E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata
IMG_6789E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata (Striped Flower Fly)
IMG_6254E | Porcellio scaber
IMG_5415E | Oncacontias vittatus (Forest shield bug)
IMG_5414E | Oncacontias vittatus (Forest shield bug)
IMG_5411E | Oncacontias vittatus (Forest shield bug)
IMG_5407E | Oncacontias vittatus (Forest shield bug)
IMG_5361E | Female Nuisiana arboris
IMG_5318E | Female Clubiona pecularis
IMG_3890E | Male Dolomedes dondalei
Serpho sp, Charopidae
IMG_3429E | Serpho sp
IMG_2972E | Female Dolomedes minor
IMG_0069E | Dictynidae
IMG_0007E | Dictynidae
IMG_0212E | Cycloctenus sp
IMG_9862E | Tatosoma sp
IMG_9520E | Stolotermes ruficeps
IMG_9502E | Stolotermes ruficeps
IMG_9500E | Stolotermes ruficeps
IMG_9035E | Peripatoides sp
IMG_8944E | Fungus Gnats
IMG_8944E | Fungus Gnat
IMG_2102E | Cormocephalus westwoodi huttoni - Feeding on a leaf-vein slug
IMG_8337E | Female Clubiona convoluta
IMG_8329E | Cubaris sp
IMG_8288E | Cubaris sp
IMG_8217E | Porcellio scaber
IMG_0246E | Macarostola miniella
IMG_0205E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper) Nymph
IMG_0057E2 | Trite planiceps
IMG_0060E-Edit | Poecilopachys australasia - spiderlings
IMG_0029E | Anzygina sp
IMG_9991E | Dictynidae
IMG_9537E | West coast green gecko |Naultinus tuberculatus
IMG_9537E | West coast green gecko |Naultinus tuberculatus
West coast green gecko |Naultinus tuberculatus
IMG_9507E | Ichneumonid Wasp
IMG_9039E | Siphanta acuta (Torpedo Bug) Nymph
Juvenile female Red Katipo(Latrodectus katipo)
IMG_9689E | Hemideina broughi
IMG_7923E | Pristobunus acuminatus
Latrodectus katipo | Red Katipo spider
IMG_7068E | Latrodectus katipo
Latrodectus katipo | Red Katipo spider
IMG_9480E | Spelungula cavernicola
IMG_9471E | Spelungula cavernicola
IMG_6929E | Spelungula cavernicola
IMG_6926E | Spelungula cavernicola
IMG_6566E | Banded dotterel | Pohowera
IMG_6561E | Banded dotterel | Pohowera
IMG_6547E | Banded dotterel | Pohowera
IMG_6397E | Male Bar-tailed godwit | Kuaka
IMG_6397E | Male Bar-tailed godwit | Kuaka
IMG_6391E | Female Bar-tailed godwit | Kuaka
IMG_6391E | Female Bar-tailed godwit | Kuaka
IMG_4563E | Dasypodia cymatodes
IMG_5289E | Trite planiceps | Black headed jumping spider
IMG_3630E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper)
IMG_3616E | Scolypopa australis (Passionvine Hopper)
IMG_3540E | Cycloctenus sp
IMG_3942E | Plant Hopper
IMG_2624E | Little black shag | Kawau tūī
IMG_2342E | Wild turkey | Korukoru
IMG_2329E-Edit | Wild Turkey | Korukoru
IMG_2090E | Australian Magpie | Makipai
IMG_0016E | Australomimetus sennio - with prey
Uliodon albopunctatus, Zoropsidae - with prey
IMG_0116E | Caterpillar
IMG_0106E-Edit | Juvenile Female Poecilopachys australasia
IMG_2032E | Female Theridion flabelliferum
IMG_2007E | Caterpillar
IMG_1975E | Xanthocnemis zealandica
IMG_0020E | Female Dolomedes aquaticus - with prey
IMG_1167E | Holoplatys sp - with eggsac
IMG_1161E | Holoplatys sp - with eggsac
IMG_1161E | Holoplatys sp - with eggsac
Flattern jumping spider |Holoplatys sp
IMG_1142E | Holoplatys sp - with eggsac
IMG_1112E | Female Zelanda elongata
IMG_1107E | Female Zelanda elongata
IMG_1078E | Haematomma alpinum
Haematomma alpinum