BNM-W233377E | Female Matachia sp Leaf veined slug BNM-N01084E | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-N01083E | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-N01082E | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-N01004E | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-N01004E | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-N01003E2 | Mistletoe | Tupeia antartica BNM-W703746 | Male Trite auricoma BNM-N00909E | Male Trite auricoma BNM-N00908E | Male Trite auricoma Mecodema curvidens 𝘋𝘪𝘣𝘢𝘦𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘢 BNM-N00765E | Male Cambridgea plagiata BNM-N00763E | Athoracophorus sp Athoracophorus sp | Leaf-veined Slug BNM-N00763E | Athoracophorus sp BNM-N00759E | Female Sidymella angularis BNM-N00748E | Nidula niveotomentosa BNM-N00714E | Nidula niveotomentosa BNM-N00696E | Favolaschia calocera BNM-N00688E | Female Socca pustulosa BMcQ-9461E | Porrhotheles sp BMcQ-9061E | Female Cryptaranea subcompta BMcQ-9060E | Flatworm BMcQ-8133E | Southern Bell Frog | Ranoidea raniformis BMcQ-8133E-2 | Ranoidea raniformis | Southern Bell Frog Southern Bell Frog | Ranoidea raniformis BMcQ-8133E-2 | Ranoidea raniformis | Southern Bell Frog BMcQ-7645E | Black Cockroach BNM-12235E | Caspian tern | Taranui BNM-12229E | Caspian tern | Taranui BNM-12226E | Caspian tern | Taranui BNM-11290E | New Zealand Dabchick | Weweia BNM-11288E | New Zealand Dabchick | Weweia BNM-10418E | Female Dolomedes minor - on Nursery Web BNM-02977E | Wild turkey | Korukoru BNM-06918E | Metrosideros-excelsa | Pohutukawa BNM-06913E | Metrosideros-excelsa | Pohutukawa BNM-06911E | Metrosideros-excelsa | Pohutukawa BNM-06910E | Metrosideros-excelsa | Pohutukawa BNM-06696E | Muehlenbeckia complexa BNM-06676E | Flowering BNM-06676E | Flowering BNM-06596E-Edit | Ferns, Rainbow Mountain BNM-00026E | Pūkeko | Pukeko _MG_9637-CR3_EE | New Zealand Dabchick | Weweia _MG_9637-CR3_EE | New Zealand Dabchick | Weweia New Zealand Dabchick | Weweia BNM-06088E | Female Socca pustulosa BNM-06088E | Female Socca pustulosa Socca pustulosa | Garden orb web spider BNM-06034E | Australomimetus maculosus BNM-06033E | Female Socca pustulosa BNM-06017E | Armadillidium vulgare BNM-06016E | Female Socca pustulosa BNM-06006E | Female Badumna sp BNM-05958E | Male Muehlenbeckia axillaris flowers BNM-05942E | Female Muehlenbeckia axillaris flowers BNM-05901E | Female Muehlenbeckia axillaris flowers BNM-05775E | Female Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05775E | Female Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05775E | Female Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05770E | Male Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05770E | Male Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05770E | Male Lycaena boldenarum BNM-05484E | Gastrodia molloyi Gastrodia molloyi BNM-05468E | Gastrodia molloyi BNM-05466E | Ranoidea aurea | Green & Golden bell frog BNM-04050E | Microtis uniflora Selfie - fungi in the forground _MG_6710 | Basket fungus (Ileodictyon cibarium) _MG_6714 | amanita muscaria BNM-00249E | Female Cyclosa trilobata McQ-01667E | Parisopalpus macleayi McQ-01094E | Little shag | Kawaupaka McQ-01087E | Little shag | Kawaupaka McQ-04550E | Drymoanthus adversus McQ-04533E | Talitropsis poduroides McQ-04508E | Flatworm McQ-04412E | Female Socca pustulosa McQ-04384E | Athoracophorus sp McQ-04383E | Anomalomyia guttata - Mating McQ-04383E | Anomalomyia guttata - Mating McQ-04381E | Female Tetragnatha sp McQ-03898E | Female Colaranea vertutum McQ-03595E | Algidia sp McQ-03529E | Arion hortensis McQ-03133E | Poppie Poppie McQ-02564E | Athoracophorus sp McQ-02254E | Cranefly McQ-02254E | Cranefly McQ_R01081E | Crucibulum laeve McQ_R00418E | Australopacifica spp (Black shiny flatworm) feeding on a cranefly McQ_R00900E | Forsteropsalis sp McQ_R00621E | Cubaris tarangensis McQ_R03744E | Tenebrosoma sp - mating McQ_R01319E | Pholcus phalangioides McQ_20103E | Ischalis gallaria McQ_20072E | Female Sidymella angularis McQ_20072E | Female Sidymella angularis Sidymella sp | Square ended crab spider McQ_20028E | Male Clubiona sp McQ_18932E22 | Pseudoscorpions McQ_16266E | Parisopalpus thoracicus McQ_16261E | Cecyropa discors McQ_16198E | Male Hogna crispipes McQ_15974E | Lycaena sp McQ_15974E | Lycaena sp McQ_16251E | Calystegia soldanella McQ_07652E | Cranefly McQ_07652E | Cranefly McQ_07656E | Athoracophorus sp McQ_04567EA | Scyphax ornatus McQ_04579E | Scyphax ornatus Pericoptus punctatus McQ_04569E | Female Anoteropsis litoralis McQ_04567E | Female Anoteropsis litoralis McQ_02045E | Female Tomtit | Miromiro McQ_02043E | Female Tomtit | Miromiro McQ_02041E | Female Tomtit | Miromiro McQ_01898E | Cryptaranea sp McQ_00001E | Male Hogna crispipes McQ_035927E | Pristobunus sp McQ_035910E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri McQuillan14800E | Pimelea tomentosa McQuillan14695E | Pimelea tomentosa McQuillan14677E | Bulbophyllum pygmaeum McQuillan13136E | Moth McQuillan13136E | Tingena clarkei McQuillan0059E | Caterpillar McQuillan0040E | Lesser Crane Flies McQuillan0040E | Lesser Crane Flies 5DsR_A01101A | Female Celaenia excavata- with eggsac 5DsR_B08390 | Forsteropsalis sp - with prey _MG_0471E | Forsteropsalis sp - with prey _21A8011E2 | Onchidella nigricans _21A0390 | Mokoia Island with fog _41I0394E | Female Sidymella angularis _MG_6534E | Male Courtaraneus orientalis _MG_6528E | Male Courtaraneus orientalis IMG_8600E-Edit | Earina mucronata IMG_5715E | Ranoidea aurea | Green & Golden bell frog IMG_5024E | Aphids IMG_0504E | Male Cambridgea plagiata Insect fungi (Beauveria bassiana) on a native New Zealand Pray Mantis Hemicloea rogenhoferi IMG_9445E-2 | Female Tetragnatha sp Female Eutittha stratiotica Female Eutittha stratiotica IMG_7275E | Male Hexathele hochstetteri IMG_7269E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri Entoloma hochstetteri | Blue Pinkgill IMG_7098E. | Entoloma hochstetteri IMG_6155EE | Green & Golden bell frog | Litoria aurea IMG_5094E | Rhadinosomus acuminatus IMG_4012E | Male Forsteropsalis sp IMG_3919E | Beauveria bassiana - infected Hypodrassodes sp IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating IMG_2728E | Anabarhynchus rufobasalis - Mating IMG_2725E | Anabarhynchus cf. rufobasalis IMG_6455E | Aphids IMG_4004E | Female Sidymella angularis - with prey IMG_6402E | Tylos neozelanicus IMG_6383E-NR | Tylos neozelanicus Tylos neozelanicus | New Zealand Calloused Beach Pillbug IMG_6383E | Tylos neozelanicus IMG_5184E | Anoteropsis hilaris - with eggsac IMG_6801E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata Orthoprosopa bilineata Orthoprosopa bilineata (Striped Flower Fly) IMG_6789E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata IMG_6789E2 | Orthoprosopa bilineata (Striped Flower Fly) DSC_6485E | Tree ferns DSC_6483E | Tree ferns View Slideshow